Thursday, October 20, 2011



猜猜谁说这句话:"....I also became fairly depressed at my lack of social graces and everything seemed pretty pointless. It culminated in a night of drunken disorder that ended in the police station, and poor Meredith was hauled out to retrieve me. Covered in shame, I felt nobody would ever speak to me again..."

其实这句话是2002年Nobel Prize in Medicine得主 Sir John Sulston 回想他以前在Cambridge大学的时光。(

你应该没想过吧?没想过一个获得科学界最高荣誉Nobel Prize的人在大学时也曾经迷茫过吧?

“Of course my misdemeanour was hardly noticed, motivating me to make some sort of effort in my final year..." 他接着说。

我想说的是:每件事的发生都有其原因,没有绝对的好,也没有绝对的坏,就好像赛翁失马也。就好像我有一个好朋友说过的“when god turns his back on you, take another look” =) we just need to focus on the good side of things.. 很多事都是种学习



Sir John Sulston won the Nobel Prize for his contributions on "genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death(apoptosis)"... He successfully sequenced the whole genome of C. elegans worm, showing that large-scale genome sequencing projects were feasible... He also played active role in Human Genome Project...He is currently Chair of the Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation (iSEI) at the University of Manchester.

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