Thursday, May 24, 2012

One brain, two minds

NewScientist是较适合大众读的non peer-reviewed科学读物,每星期一份,以报导的方式写出最近的科学进展。有时候,在图书馆温习时,我会从书架拿几份NewScientist,看看最近的科学发展。我喜欢它鼓吹的科学研究精神,它强调:"We know only 5% of what we'll know in 50 years. The rest simply hasn't been discovered... yet"

最近5月5日出版的NewScientist, 有个专题引起我的注意力:
"One brain, two minds: the surprising impact of speaking another language"

作者Catherine de Lange,集合不少其他科学家的reseach,总结说道:

“Speaking a second language can change everything from problem-solving skills to personality. It is almost as if you are two people"


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