Tuesday, May 31, 2011

《无量义经》 =))

30/5/2011 感恩师姑赠送《无量义经》...里面有证严法师的解释 =) 太棒了

《无量义经》是慈济宗的宗经,以前就想读看,没想到,今天师姑赠送 _/\_


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nuvole Bianche / white clouds =)

i always have a soft spot to piano songs, haha

all Ludovico Einaudi's masterpieces are really impressive, eg: I Giorni, Oltremare, Le Onde, I Due Fiumi, Come Un Fiore, Fuori dal mondo, Divenire and many more =)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

他们 =)

以下是Prof Andre Geim 为了证明 Knowledge is Power 所做的示范 =)

去年,他和同样在曼彻斯特大学的Prof Konstatin Novoselov 一起因Graphene而得了Nobel Prize in Physics.

虽然没有正式看到他们,但大学及各个媒体都有报道他们的故事,很敬佩他们对实验的态度,那种 Science is fun的精神 =)Graphene的潜能,更是无可限量,据说是21世纪的 super material

回想起来,我去过了Dr Tim Hunt和Prof Alec Jeffreys在我大学的public lecture。Dr Tim Hunt发现了cyclin,而 Prof Alec Jeffreys发明了 genetic fingerprinting。

身为2001 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Dr Tim Hunt的演讲很有趣,“Lessons from a Life of Science: How to get a Nobel Prize", 很inspiring =)

如今每次在mitosis读到cyclin时,就会想起Dr Tim Hunt...我第一个正式看到的Nobel Laureate, haha =P 想起他对science的passion 和 Curiosity

Thursday, May 26, 2011


it was a bad day on 25 may for my prescription checking in orientation to pharmacy practice practical exam... should avoid those mistakes, but time cannot be reversed.. the strict horrendous negative marking just ruins my mood

nevertheless, i will try my best to move on for the sake of next two papers...so i decide to dispense myself some motivation to be used stat and prn.. first quote:

"We get beaten about the face and head and instinctively insist we'll pick up pieces, lick wounds and go on."

and then end this post with another two quotes:
“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”

"Failure only improves the taste of victory"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1.44 billion的投资



1500份海外奖学金= RM1.08 billion
2500份国内奖学金= RM0.36 billion


2008年的2000份海外奖学金更是RM1.7 billion

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Latin Abbreviations in prescription

today (20 may), i made one mistake about latin abbreviation used in prescription in my Orientation to Pharmacy Practice paper.. it was my second online paper for first year MPharm and the first subjective questions online paper (10 short answer and 4 short essay)... in real life, this latin abbreviation mistake may cause harm to patient, so i decide to write down this post to remind myself so that i do not repeat the same mistake

the question is: qqh =??

i wrote "take four times daily", which is a wrong answer

the correct answer for qqh is "take every four hours"

also, some revision:
prn - "take when required"
sos - "take if necessary"
stat- "take immediately"
ac - "before food"
cc - " with food"
pc - "after food"
on - "at night"
mane - "in the morning"
noct - "at night"
hs - "take at bed time"
mdu - "take as directed"
od- "once daily"
bd- "twice daily"
tds- "three times daily"
qds- "four times daily"
mn - "morning and night"

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Good Start =)

after pharmaceutical calculation part 1 got 96, got another good news: pharmaceutical calculation part 2 got 100, good start for final exam of first year =)

我有时会突发奇想,要是人在考试中紧急状态时,可以BAN-KAI (卍解),那该有多好呀!!卍解 Bankai是Bleach动漫中很重要的component,意思是Final Release,是指战斗力疯狂上升的终极境界。。。总觉得没看过Bleach的人太可惜了,哈哈,Kurosaki Ichigo的热血是非一般的

回到现实,继续努力 =)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

最初的梦想 =) 很好的歌词... 不忘最初的梦想


"大学作为传播知识、培养人才的摇篮,是欧洲中古时代留给后世最值得骄傲的文化遗产。已有800多年历史的英国牛津大学、剑桥大学,法国巴黎大学,德国科隆大学等,被认为是现代大学的直接源头。历经数世纪的变迁,大学的职责和功能随着社会的发展也在不断扩展。除了人才培养,今天的大学还是探索未知、认识真理的殿堂,知识创新、科技创新的高地,分享成果、交流合作的平台。” (http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2011/5/246806.shtm?id=246806)

Science runs in my blood...我很喜欢Science,当初选高中时选理科太正确了,犹记得"Science"是来自Latin字“scientia”,它的意思也就是"knowledge"。而现在,大学读MPharm,挺棒的 =)



Sunday, May 8, 2011

母亲节 =)



阿嬷,妈,母亲节快乐 =)



Love until it hurts.




分享这首我很喜欢的歌: Dare You to Move。 走出那一步,你们都会好运的。

Thursday, May 5, 2011

向成为一位优秀的药师前进 =)

从video中,看到慈济医院的药剂部有挂着“药师如来”的牌 =)))很开心 _/\_

在The Millenium: The future of the profession这个2000年的文章里, 当时英国皇家药学会 (Royal Pharmaceutical Society)的主席Christine Glover说了她的目标:

“..With the dawning of a new century comes the perfect opportunity to develop a clear and positive vision of what we want for the future of our profession. What is the vision? In my mind's eye, it is to make pharmacy an integral part of everybody's thinking in the new evolving health service and to ensure that, when medicine is discussed, there is an immediate association with the pharmacy profession...”

“...There have never been more opportunities for pharmacy and we are standing at the threshold of a new millennium which will offer new and exciting challenges. Ours is a past that we can truly be proud of and the future is ours to shape.


Monday, May 2, 2011

分享 =)

"University education is about acquiring knowledge, not just passing examination"

以上是我大学教授 Professor Attwood 在他的书“Fasttrack: Physical Pharmacy"的 Preface的第一句。
