Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jiun Haur, Old Trafford!!

Above is a video i found in facebook!! cool, isn't it?

so, Ah Haur, remember come manchester la, haha =)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Haworth Projection

while i reading internet materials about Haworth Projection in organic chemistry, i realised the projection founder Sir Norman Walter Haworth was also a University of Manchester alumni.. He graduated with a first-class honoors degree in chemistry in 1906.. He received the 1937 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C" when he is working in university of birmingham..

cool! =)

Monday, October 25, 2010



较有阳光的一天,都会让我很开心,然后就会在oxford road随便走走。很喜欢曼彻斯特大学的建筑物,尤其是在晴天。我想应该没有人像我一样吧:我在到了英国后,在一个月内,兴奋地走了north和south campus,兴奋地拍了大学内的所有建筑物,然后upload到facebook.. 正当我在cork的朋友拼命离开cork在ireland四处旅行时,我却在兴奋地拍大学=P 也许我的大学在英国不是最有特色的大学,但它在我心目中将是最特别的=)

在oxford road或附近走着,看到很多很多人,几乎全部都是曼大学生。内心会感到很欣慰,我真的很幸运,有机会来到这里升学,成为这里近4万的曼大学生的其中一分子=)

虽然没有多余的钱买报纸读,但每星期免费的The Mancunion还是让我很期待星期一,它是由曼大学生编辑 =)

虽然只有SHM汤和饭, 但我还是吃到很开心 =)SHM不是simple harmonic motion,而是soon hong mixed soup,hahaha

我上星期有机会免费去stratford-upon-avon =)莎士比亚的家乡。想起我的家乡Telok Panglima Garang..想起以前我总是冒充是Klang人,因为TPG太少人知道了..现在,我有时也费劲向其他人解释Malaysia在哪里 =)目前被问的问题包括"you are from malaysia, so you are malays?","what language you speak in your country, you speak malay?" =.=lll haha =) 也希望我flatmates不要误会,不要把SHM当作是malaysia的传统食物,hahaha。Malaysia有很多很棒的食物!

最重要的,虽然天气越来越冷,我还是很满足,至少冷天气让我很清醒很alert,haha =)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

妈,生日快乐 =)



Sunday, October 17, 2010


但你们依然还是我很重视的好朋友,在ucsi最大的收获 =)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

nice song

TC;FS - If I Knew (Claire's Theme) by Josh Beattie
very nice the song,right? it is the theme song in "to claire from sonny", a very nice video.. below is the link

Friday, October 15, 2010


再过几天,就将一个月了.. 还记得四姑曾在fb问我:"飞出笼子自由的鸟,你现在怎样了?"
我答:"变成了急冻鸟”.. 正当我要告诉其他人我习惯了曼彻斯特的温度(曼城一连串几天的晴天,有次20度),这几天温度却好像越来越冷了.. 前几天,有次7.9度,我第一次讲话会有白烟!!

天气冷让我想起几个电影.. 原来titanic中的jack真的很伟大,冷死这种事太太太悲壮了 =).. 我也想起了the day after tomorrow这部电影,想起了男主角在new york public library烧书取暖。 如果曼城被暴风雪封盖,我想最安全的地方应该是 John Rylands University Libary of Manchester(JRULM).. JRULM的四百万书本,应该够我取暖很久 =P 附近的shunck building有vegetarian food,可以当food supply,hahaha,我的plan不错吧!

在ireland dublin的朋友已经开始邀请winter的旅行了.. 但气候学家预测今年的冬天将是千年最冷的冬天,这种消息像一桶冰水浇灭了我的旅行热.. 但大家都说first year不去,以后就没有机会了,况且是和一班好朋友去.. 但我独自一个人从曼彻斯特到伦敦,之后再从都柏林回来,却让我很犹豫.. 家人也叫我别离开英国旅行.. 这些让我有些想躲在曼彻斯特

the road not taken...Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nobel Prize and budget alarm

Prof Andre Geim and Prof Konstantin Novoselov sitting on the bench near Old quadrangle

I feel so happy for The University of Manchester!!! it has been quite some time since the university last won a Nobel Prize, exluding two Nobel laureates that the uni hired in recent years (Joseph E. Stiglitz and Sir John Sulston).. Joseph E. Stiglitz was awarded Nobel prize in economics in 2001, while Sir John Sulston was awarded Nobel prize in physiology and medicine in 2002, both won the Nobel Prize before joining the uni of manchester, so there is not so much to be proud of.. if i not mistaken, the last Nobel Laureate that truly associated with uni of manchester is Michael Smith.. Michael Smith was a graduate from the university of manchester and he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 =) quite long time ago

Michael Smith Building in uni of manchester

it was really a pleasant surprise when i saw the news in internet : Prof Andre Geim and Prof Konstantin Novoselov from the university of manchester were jointly awarded Nobel prize in physics in 2010 for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene =))))

it was really a great news to cheer me up because recently i was quite annoyed by the fact that i spent more than 400 pounds in less than one month! gosh, i spent more than 2000ringgit in less than one month, terrible! i don't know why this happen, i tried my best to save money already, lol

ok,i guess i know why this happen: i bought an expensive printer(i dunno the fact that if i show my student card to get 10%discount, wasted), Organic Chemistry by PY Bruice(only after i check internet,i realise the author is a female,lol, maybe Bruice sounds like Bruce Lee =P), Physicochemical Principles of Pharmacy by Attwood(i bought from Blackwell bookshop, this time i show my student card, but they said no discount for it, lol).. also because I joined Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Manchester Debating Union and Malaysian Student Society of Manchester, all need member fee =.=lll

hope that i will not need to spend so much money in the future
also hope that i will enjoy every moment in the university =)

p/s: last last week, i took photo near Old quadrangle too =) hahaha
ok, i admit i a bit far from the bench, haha =P

Sunday, October 3, 2010


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain-

Friday, October 1, 2010


就这样,week -1, week 0 and week 1很快就要过去了,轻松的时刻很快就要结束了。我和其他ucsi jpa july08 intake的 uk pharmacy和uk dentistry很快就要加入早早已经在啃书的ireland dentistry军团了。 阿嫲和妈都叫我专心读书,周末才skype回家,她们怕每天skype一个小时多会影响我学业。是有点夸张,但我明白她们的用心良苦。我想,我也不该常常上facebook了。明天10月1日,我要开始更加努力了!我不希望我成为一个半桶水差劲的药剂师 =)


