Thursday, March 20, 2014

International Day of Happiness

Happy International Day of Happiness  
Random thought:

"How to be happier?" is the right question to ask, not "How to be happy?". This is because happiness is not a yes or not question, happiness exists on a continuum. We can always try to be happier. Part of the journey to be happier to accept that it is normal for us to be upset, sad, angry or disappointed sometimes. Optimism and humour help, friends and family supports are very important. 

To quote positive psychologist Tal Ben Shahar, "The problem is not stress, the problem is lack of recovery from stress". According to him, studies have shown that earning more money makes little difference to happiness except for the extremes (for the very poor or very rich), key determinant of happiness is social relationship, so spend quality time with your family and friends  

Life is precious, life is short, life is temporary. Best wishes to you

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