Thursday, October 15, 2015

诗人大学Chancellor =)

Poet Lemn Sissay was officially installed as Chancellor of The University of Manchester on 14 Oct 2015。诗人说话总是有诗的味道。

"My primary role is to inspire and to be inspired."- Lemn Sissay-


以下短片是他为大学写的诗:“Inspire and Be Inspired"

诗人Lemn Sissay对于Manchester不是一个陌生的名字。他的诗出现在Manchester的不同角落。

"Rain"是Lemn Sissay的一个经典。就在靠近我大学宿舍Whitworth Park的一个墙壁上, 很正能量!

"Rain" - by Lemn Sissay-

When the rain falls
They talk of Manchester
But when the triumphant rain falls
We think of rainbows
That’s the Mancunian Way

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