Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Respect is not fear and obedience


震惊,因为那种处事态度竟然存在,荒唐到难以置信。她原本有机会作出反驳,但她选择最糟糕的逃避回答方式。其实可以利用美国英国澳洲等先进国家都没有免费大学教育的例子,绝不应该突然扯到动物, 更不该人身攻击。研谈会本来就应该是一个允许不同意见的场合,而不是我听你讲,你讲我听。


我当时看了短片,内心觉得很不忿,但不想参与讨伐,毕竟伤害已造成,几句虚伪的道歉又有何用?另一方面,我却很想分享我当时我的看法: 尊敬和恐惧是两件完全不同的事。Respect is to be earned, not demanded。就这样,我当天在facebook 分享了一个status:

To quote Steve Hein,
"There is a danger in mislabeling fear as respect. To use an analogy, consider what would happen if two jars in the medicine cabinet were mislabeled. What if poison ivy lotion were labeled as cough syrup, or chlorine as contact lens cleaner?

Here are some comparisons between fear and respect:
Fear is toxic.Respect is nurturing.
Fear destroys self-confidence. Respect builds it.
Fear is life-threatening. Respect is life-enhancing.
Fear is forced. Respect is earned.
Fear is learned. Respect is earned.

To confuse the two creates serious problems for society.
Respecting someone means respecting their feelings and their survival needs. Here are ways to show respect for someone's feelings:
-asking them how they feel
-validating their feelings
-empathizing with them
-seeking understanding of their feelings
-taking their feelings into consideration"

(Quoted from )

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