Friday, February 24, 2012

Ways to relax =)

"See life as a journey, not a destination. Destination consciousness (a constant preoccupation with future goals) ensnares us in anxieties with time as we fret about our progress. By contrast, journey consciousness (an openness to present moment) enables us to appreciate the delights and lessons that greet us at every twist and turn along the way."

"Reawaken your choices. we tend to forget that we have choices at many levels. we can choose the direction of our lives, the thoughts and reactions that we have, even the feelings we create. Cultivating awareness of how we are creating our current experiences- of what we're doing and why we're doing it- gives us the freedom to create different experiences by making alternative choices."

"Find the silver lining in every cloud. Whatever adversity you face, always look for the spark of hope, the positive angle and hidden benefit. Visualise this as a beam of light piercing the darkness inside your heart and reinforcing your belief in yourself and your ability to move forward to brighter time ahead."

"Look for ways to help others. Anyone who does this actively, as their life's purpose, will live within gravitational pull of love: service equals peace. Anyone who believes that life is just the survival of the fittest will lead a life of fear: survival equals stress."

"Give encouragement to a friend as they begin a new project or embark on a major task. To fill someone's heart with courage or resolve is to refresh your own in the process."

"Run through ABCD of change: A is for awareness of what you need to change. B is for belief in your ability to change. C is for commitment to the idea of change. D is for discipline and your willingness to stick to your plan of change."

 Quoted from "1001 ways to relax: how to beat stress and find perfect calm" by Mike George (2003)

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